School of Excellence
Middle School Grading Procedures
- Mathematics
- English Language Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
- Spanish
- Additional Guidelines for all Academic Areas
English Language Arts
Grades 5 & 6
- Homework 10% (in conjunction with classwork for a minimum total of 10 assignments per marking period)
- Classwork 15% (in conjunction with homework for a minimum total of 10 assignments per marking period)
- Quizzes & Labs 30%
- Projects and Tests 45%
Grades 7 & 8
- Homework 10% (in conjunction with classwork for a minimum total of 10 assignments per marking period)
- Classwork 15% (in conjunction with homework for a minimum total of 10 assignments per marking period)
- Labs & Projects 30% (minimum of 2-3 per marking period)
- Tests 45% (minimum of 2 per marking period)
Social Studies
- Homework 10% (in conjunction with classwork for a minimum total of 10 assignments per marking period)
- Classwork 15% (in conjunction with homework for a minimum total of 10 assignments per marking period)
- Quizzes 25% (minimum of 2-3 per marking period)
- Projects/Tests/DBQ’s: 50% (minimum of 2 per marking period)
- Homework 10% (in conjunction with classwork for a minimum total of 5 assignments per marking period)
- Classwork 30% (in conjunction with classwork for a minimum total of 5 assignments per marking period)
- Quizzes 30% (minimum of 2 per marking period)
- Oral Assessment 30% (one per marking period, one revision permitted after teacher feedback is given)
Additional Guidelines for all Academic Areas
- Teachers will post grades in a timely manner
- Students will be provided with the opportunity to revise the following assignment types: classwork, homework, small projects, and quiz grades. The value of the revision is left to the determination of the teacher. The student must complete and submit the revision to the teacher before the time that skill is next assessed to receive any credit. The teacher will provide students with feedback for revision in the “comments” section of Genesis.
- Teachers will engage in conversation with parents when a student’s grade drops below normal for that student and when a student receives a low grade on an assessment
- Students who do complete assignments will be assigned an Academic Detention per teacher’s discretion
- Teachers will specifically name each assignment on Genesis and add details to the “description” when needed.
- Extra credit will not be provided; bonus points on any assignment will not allow for a grade to exceed 100.
- A standalone “participation” grade/category will not be a part of any middle school gradebook
- All assignments in Genesis should show logical progression from a series of Classworks/Homework→Quizzes/Small Projects →Large Assessments (Labs, Writing pieces, tests, large projects, etc.)
- For all large projects, labs and writing pieces students will be provided with a grading rubric well in advance. When possible, students will take ownership in the development of the rubrics and be encouraged to utilize them as a reflection tool.
- All rubrics will be based on the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for the grade level and subject area. Social Studies and Science teachers are encouraged to utilize the NJSLS ELA Companion Standards for History, Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects for grades 6 through 8.